On Demand Event

Register : How to connect to UK Journalists, Influencers & Media Outlets

Would you like to connect to UK Journalists and have access to all their social media details?

Trusted by thousands of communications, media professionals and business owners, our database connects you with the most in-depth influencer intelligence so you can identify the right people to get the right message to ensure the success of your story..

  • Mainstream Media Contacts : Target the most relevant print, broadcast and online journalists who can mobilise your story. Access the industry’s most comprehensive media database, which contains 1.6 million journalist profiles, outlets and opportunities worldwide.
  • Find The Right Influencers : The best way to reach your audience is by targeting its influencers. Tap into a media database of more than 1.6 million contacts, outlets and pitchable opportunities to find the journalists, bloggers and social influencers who can spread your message
  • Social Media Contacts : Broaden your campaigns to target social media influencers and connect to relevant decision-makers with our database of over 300,000 digital influencers. Access profiles from more than 50 social platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Search by topic for coverage and recent tweets from relevant contacts and outlets. Engage with your industry’s top digital and traditional media influencers, on the platforms they prefer.